Talent Acquisition Search Specialists throughout Africa
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The Valcol Group has earned a reputation as a market leader and trendsetter in recruitment consultancy, compensation, and market trends consultancy.
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The Valcol Group offers great career opportunities to multilingual professionals in Zimbabwe. We work with well renowned multinationals and recruit for directorship, executive, managerial and support roles in Zimbabwe and regionally.
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Find out more about our services in Zimbabwe and the areas we are specialised in. With well over 36 years’ experience, the Valcol Group has become a leader in talent acquisition. We seek and find for you the best multilingual candidates on the market. Take a look at the companies we have made placement for already and join us in placing more top posts.
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What’s Happening Around Us
Welcome to our new website and 2021 launch!
Dear Applicants & Clients Greetings! Welcome to our new website and 2021 launch! Our new website has been designed to be modern, trendy, and user friendly at the click of a button! Moving with the current times, we hope its new format is less complicated and...
The job market remains a damp squib – with hope for 2018 beyond the election
The job market remains a damp squib – with hope for 2018 beyond the election The new dispensation achieved back in 2017 today has lost much excitement and the hope renewed remains a damp squib across the job market. Change has not translated into any job creation or...
General Appeal from The Friend Animal Foundation
General Appeal from The Friend Animal Foundation The Friend Animal Foundation continues to provide a safe and loving environment for those lost, abandoned and surrendered animals in our care. We have been badly hit by the current economic stress that Zimbabwe has been...