General Appeal from The Friend Animal Foundation

The Friend Animal Foundation continues to provide a safe and loving environment for those lost, abandoned and surrendered animals in our care. We have been badly hit by the current economic stress that Zimbabwe has been experiencing and are fighting hard to avoid having to close our doors. We desperately need long-term support from the general public in order to continue helping the constant influx of animals we deal with. Our monthly running costs have been whittled down to the absolute bare essentials and there is no way we can cut running expenses any further. We are struggling to raise the required $7500 per month in order to keep us running efficiently.

The projects we are currently working on at the Foundation are all mainly geared at improving the current facilities not only to help improve the quality of life for the animals in our care, but also to improve our boarding facilities in an effort to increase the income of funds from that direction. A lot of the materials required for that are of a “building and construction” nature: a 40-ft container, fencing, poles, cement, bricks, sand, stone, paint, paintbrushes, roofing sheets, wire, planks, nails, nuts and bolts, electrical goodies, shade-cloth, door hinges etc.

We then have a list of items that are needed for the animals themselves: Dog baskets, blankets/duvets, towels, metal feeding bowls, metal water bowls, kennels, water troughs, straw/hay, durable plastic soccer-size balls or tennis balls, soft toys, collars and leads, shelving (for cat enclosures), brushes, nail trimmers, flea powders for dogs and cats, puppy/dog dip, fiprinol flea and tick treatment (available at Delports), baby shampoo, de-worming tablets, fly smear, tick grease, wound spray/powder, pro-biotic powder, klim or dendairy (sugar-free) milk powder, dog biscuits and kibble food, cat biscuits, grain for the farm animals, fresh vegetables for the bunnies/guinea pigs etc.

And then there is the general cleaning supplies that we go through (a lot!): Laundry powder, bleach, dishwashing liquid, handy-andy, vim, scouring pads, scrubbing brushes, indoor and garden brooms, duster cloths, tea towels, mutton cloth, cotton wool, betadine solution, betadine ointment, colloidal silver liquid, Dettol, Dettol handwashing liquid, Raid insect spray etc.

Office supplies that we regularly need: Reams of bond paper, pens, pencils, envelopes (variety of sizes), wage envelopes, coloured card, coloured paper, ink cartridges for the printer, clip boards, paper punch, paperclips, staples, stapler, mighty markers, files, notepads, counter books, rulers, receipt books, stamp-pad and ink, file dividers, adhesive labels, sellotape etc.

Our innovative team are usually able to find a use for all good-quality items that are donated. If we receive something that we cannot use directly, our fundraising team are very good at finding a way to use it for raising much needed funds. Whisky’s, gift vouchers, jewellery, candles, and a variety of other donations we have received have been very helpful with enabling us to put together raffles and prizes for competitions we have run. The offer of services has also been put to good use as we can always use a photographer, massage therapist, web designer, electrician or accountant! We are spreading the word of our Ecocash Merchant Number (89313) as a useful and convenient way for people to support us. Our sponsorship drives (frosted faces, special needs, vet fund etc.) generally give an opportunity for people to help support one animal for $20 per month. They are gaining popularity but still have a huge opportunity for people to support our efforts – these can be paid monthly via the Ecocash Merchant Number as well.

Our banking details for donations are: Ecobank Borrowdale, Account: 0011097609470901 or Steward Bank Eastgate, Account: 1006737826, Swift Code STBLZWHX. Please give a reference (ie. donation, frosted faces fund, special need sponsor, vet fund, foster adoption, etc) so that we can accurately identify your contribution.

Volunteers are always welcome. We all have different area’s of expertise so if you are willing to help out, we are ready to welcome you. Not all volunteers have to be “on the ground” where seeing the animals can be upsetting – our fundraising committee, administration section, sales and support can be done from anywhere. If you would like to help, please contact us.

Hoping this has given you a better guide on the type of things we need and use at The Friend Animal Foundation for the benefit of the animals in our care. We shall continue to find ways to try and keep our doors open – but we simply cannot do it without support from our community.

Kind regards

Laura Bass
Administration Manager
The Friend Animal Foundation
