Ecologists – Wildlife Conservancy

Feb 1, 2023 | Senior Managerial & Executive Positions

The roles are open to Zimbabwean or Expatriate workers within the Region. 

The required professional quali­fications and experience must be met to be considered for the positions in conjunction with ideal cohabitation circumstances. 

Our client off­ers essential roles to be filled in their Eco-Friendly 5-Star Lodge Camp and Conservancy, which is highly geared to accommodate discerning local and international clients.. The principled client holds conservation priorities above monetary pro‑t, which will always be utilised towards its overall goals and objectives as a wildlife conservancy. An anti-poaching and general scouting team operates 24/7 across the Conservancy. The lodges are world-class, off­ering clients a discerning encounter and magical adventure in the African wildlife experience. 

The two roles on off­er would ideally suit a working couple who would co-exist as a team to manage and monitor the entire wildlife and habits of the Conservancy. A Master’s degree in Nature Conservation or similar with five to ten years of practical ‑eld work experience is required. Your extensive career experience must have covered the human and wildlife co-existence system and include hands-on, applicable documented research on wildlife species, grassland vegetation, forestry, and ‑re ecology. You must be an accomplished research writer and have published ecological scientific research papers which have been accepted and endorsed by the international ecological community. Applicant expertise and knowledge in wildlife animal husbandry, procedural rehabilitation, and specialised integration program knowledge is wanted. Other management skills in conducting human education teaching programs for local communities, with the implementation of endangered animal species, breeding advice on protection management systems, are also professional abilities needed. The design and enhancement of programs in managing invasive flora and fauna, general vegetation and plant food ecosystems are also critical and practical skills wanted. Your ability to control and direct the Conservancy’s complete ecological and ecosystem resources for human and animal welfare shall be the challenge extend of this rewarding joint and demanding role. 

In return for your service, you shall naturally be well rewarded and adequately accommodated with onsite living amenities, services, and other benefits to attract the required persons. 

For further information, please email your CV to Colin Roberts –